Web Site Startup Process
Let Mellow Melon Media Put Your Information On The Web
Building a web site can be a long task for some. If you have never gone through the process, we hope that this mini-tutorial will help you through the whole thing.
Step 1 – Determine your web sites function
You need to pre-determine what function will your web site have. Is this for promoting your services only? Selling products? Marketing online? Being a strong contender?
Step 2 – Find good examples online
Try and find around 3-5 web sites you would like to see emulated for your company. The internet has the largest amount of examples there is. Having a few good examples ready will help the design process. Try and include little notes for each web site.
For example: www.companyname.com
•Clean – Like the blue color
•Like the buttons up top
Step 3 – Get the artwork for your logo
If you can, get the original artwork of your logo from the company that designed it. If they don’t want to give you the original artwork, ask them for a copy in “EPS” format.
If you still can’t get your logo in EPS, send us a jpeg or gif and we will notify you whether or not we will have to digitally rework your logo. This may cost an extra $50 to rework the logo. Again, it is very important that you track down your original artwork.
Step 4 – For those who ALREADY have hosting services
Please make sure to have your “FTP Login” information giving us access to your hosting account in order to upload the new changes of your web site. Without access to your hosting, nothing can be uploaded.
We will need your:
•User name:
Step 4a – For new hosting clients
Write down any email addresses you would like to have setup. Don’t worry about the passwords, those can be changed once they are setup.
Step 5 – Plan your web site content
Planning your content is very important. It may take some time for you to write all of your content, sort through it, proofread the content for us to implement on your web site.
Keep everything in small, informative paragraphs. You don’t want your visitors to hurt their eyes reading your content. Short and sweet, to the point. Please remember: “Content is king”!
That’s right, the most valuable commodity you have online is your content. Take your time, think things out and try not to include too much “advertising pitch”. Advertising pitch doesn’t work online like it does in print. People want to read informative, thoughtful information about your company, not how you made $1,000 000.00 last year.
Step 6 – Write down your contact information
Make sure you write down ALL your contact information you want posted on your web site. Add driving instructions to your company if you need to. Having your contact information ready will help the process.
Step 7 – Gathering images
It is very important that you collect any images related to your business that you want implemented within your web site. Having all your images beforehand will help us to sort through them faster.